I'm back
Yes, I did abandon this place for a while. No, I will not let any digital space become my Master.
I am increasingly finding that the life I live when I’m not connected to any device and typing is more interesting and unpredictable than the former.
The so-called pandemic forced me to live like the very online. It was extremely insalubrious for my wellbeing, but more than anything, I now resent spending life mediated by screens and algorithms.
The sun reflects on my face with myriad hues, those blue lights on the devices are cadaverous. Eros versus Thanatos.
I suggest we all use these means as tools, as dear diaries, as chronicles. But they are definitely not substitutes for those who truly matter: your flesh & blood family and friends. Those are the people you want to stay in touch with.
Yet those strangers you’ve never ever seen, whose existences - foul as they may be - will never touch you, can stay right where they are. Refuse them the unearned dignity of bathing in your light.
Never forget this old and simple truth: bugs are attracted to light.
Where we are going, we don’t need commentary.
"Never forget this old and simple truth: bugs are attracted to light."
Well said.
You are a rare woman of class.